
MVPs (Minimum Viable Products)

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Credit to Anna Yashina

Minimum Viable Products (MVPs)


We live in a world where time and money are finite resources. Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) can be used to fix issues and escape problems. This article will explore the importance of MVPs for designers, businesses and users.

What does MVP mean?

An MVP, which stands for Minimum Viable Product, is a fundamental concept in product development. It represents a prototype or early version of a product that includes only the most essential features and functionalities necessary for it to be used by customers or end-users. The primary purpose of an MVP is to gather feedback from users, enabling teams to gain valuable insights into the product's impact and effectiveness.

However, an MVP has different outcomes for the businesses, design teams and users.

MVPs and business:

For businesses, an MVP serves as a strategic tool to test the market viability of a product or idea. By releasing an MVP, businesses can assess user interest and demand, gather feedback on the product's performance and usability, and validate their assumptions before investing significant resources into full-scale development. It helps minimise the risks associated with launching a fully developed product that may not meet user needs or resonate in the market.

Let’s consider a healthcare website which wants to improve the user’s ease in booking a doctor’s appointment. The business goals, in this case, would be to ease navigation with as little time and money as possible.

MVPs and design teams:

From the perspective of design teams, an MVP allows them to focus on creating a simplified version of the product, stripped down to its core functionalities. By removing non-essential elements, design teams can expedite the development process and deliver a working product faster. This enables rapid iterations based on user feedback, ensuring that subsequent versions of the product align more closely with user needs and preferences. Designers can validate their assumptions, identify potential pain points, and refine the user experience to create a more seamless and engaging product.

MVPs and users:

For users, an MVP provides an opportunity to interact with a product and provide feedback during its early stages. It allows them to experience the core functionalities and provide insights that can shape the product's future development. Users play a vital role in shaping the direction of the product, ensuring that it meets their needs and solves their problems effectively.

Creating an MVP under Lean UX:

Lean UX is a methodology within the realm of UX design that emphasises resource efficiency and promotes collaboration and flexibility among teams. Unlike traditional approaches that aim to design the entire product upfront, Lean UX focuses on understanding and addressing a specific segment of requirements and the overall user experience.

One of the key principles of Lean UX is the concept of rapid feedback and iteration. Usability testing plays a vital role in this process, allowing teams to gather feedback from users early on and make iterative improvements based on their insights. By involving users throughout the design process, teams can quickly identify pain points, validate assumptions, and ensure that the product meets user needs effectively.

Creating an MVP under Lean UX involves three essential steps: building, measuring, and learning.


The first step in creating an MVP under Lean UX is to build a minimum viable version of the product. This involves identifying the core features and functionalities that are crucial for testing and gathering user feedback. The goal is to create a prototype or working model that effectively demonstrates the key value proposition of the product.

During this step, the emphasis is on speed and efficiency. The team aims to deliver a functional but simplified version of the product that allows users to interact with it and provide valuable feedback. By focusing on the core aspects of the product, unnecessary complexities can be avoided, enabling a faster and more streamlined feedback loop.

The primary objective of this initial version is to validate the product concept and gather user insights. It should showcase the unique selling points of the product and enable users to experience its key benefits. By providing users with an interactive prototype or working model, the team can observe how users interact with the product, gather their feedback, and understand their needs and preferences.

Creating a minimum viable version also allows the team to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement early on. By launching a simplified version, they can quickly iterate and make necessary adjustments based on user feedback, avoiding the need to invest significant resources in developing a fully-fledged product that may not meet user expectations.

In summary, the first step of building an MVP under Lean UX involves creating a simplified version of the product that focuses on the core features and functionalities. The goal is to deliver a prototype or working model that effectively showcases the product's value proposition and allows for user interaction. By prioritising speed and efficiency, the team can gather feedback quickly and make iterative improvements to create a more refined and user-centred final product.


Once the MVP is built, the next step in creating an MVP under Lean UX is measuring its performance and gathering data. This step is crucial for understanding how users interact with the product, identifying areas of improvement, and validating or refining design decisions based on real user behaviour.

One of the primary methods used in this step is conducting usability tests. Usability tests involve observing users as they interact with the MVP and completing specific tasks. This helps identify any usability issues, pain points, or areas where the user experience can be enhanced. By directly observing users' behaviour and gathering their feedback, the team can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the MVP.

In addition to usability tests, gathering user feedback is essential for measuring the MVP's performance. Feedback can be collected through surveys, interviews, or feedback forms, allowing users to express their opinions, suggestions, and concerns about the product. This qualitative data provides valuable insights into user preferences, needs, and expectations, which can inform future iterations of the product.

Analytics also play a crucial role in measuring the performance of the MVP. By utilising analytics tools, the team can collect quantitative data on user behaviour, such as user engagement metrics, conversion rates, or task success rates. These metrics help assess the effectiveness of the MVP in achieving its intended goals and provide concrete data for evaluating its performance.

By combining qualitative feedback and quantitative analytics, the team can gain a comprehensive understanding of how users interact with the MVP. This data-driven approach enables them to identify areas of improvement, make informed design decisions, and prioritise future iterations based on user needs and preferences.

Overall, the measuring step in creating an MVP involves conducting usability tests, gathering user feedback, and analysing quantitative data through analytics. It aims to provide valuable insights into user behaviour, validate design decisions, and guide the iterative improvement process. By continuously measuring and learning from user interactions, the team can refine the MVP and move closer to creating a successful, user-centred product.


The learning step in creating an MVP under Lean UX is a crucial part of the iterative process. After collecting and analysing data during the measurement phase, the focus shifts to extracting valuable insights and using them to drive future iterations of the product.

The first step in the learning phase is to analyse the findings from usability tests, user feedback, and analytics. This involves identifying patterns, trends, and recurring themes that emerge from the data. By understanding how users interact with the MVP and what their feedback reveals, the team can gain deeper insights into user needs, pain points, and preferences.

Based on the analysis, actionable insights are derived. These insights provide guidance for refining the MVP and making informed design decisions for subsequent iterations. For example, if usability tests reveal that users struggle with a particular feature or find certain tasks confusing, the team can prioritise addressing those issues in the next iteration. Similarly, if user feedback highlights a desired functionality or a missing feature, the team can consider incorporating it into future versions of the product.

The learning step also emphasises embracing a continuous learning mindset. It means that the team acknowledges that the MVP is not the final product but a stepping stone towards a better solution. By staying open to feedback, being receptive to user needs, and continuously learning from user interactions, the team can adapt and refine the product iteratively.

Furthermore, the insights gained during the learning phase can also inform other aspects of the product development process, such as refining the user personas, adjusting the user journey, or validating the product-market fit. The team can use the knowledge gained to align the product with the target audience's needs and preferences more effectively.

Ultimately, the learning phase is about using the data and feedback collected to drive continuous improvement. By integrating the insights into subsequent iterations, the team can create a product that better meets user expectations, addresses their pain points, and delivers value. It is through this ongoing learning and iteration cycle that the MVP evolves into a refined, user-centred solution.

Debunking misconceptions about MVPs:

Creating an MVP is not an easy task

Contrary to popular belief, building an MVP is not a simple or effortless process. It requires careful planning, collaboration, and the allocation of appropriate resources. If the design team is not aligned and working together, challenges and obstacles are likely to arise during the MVP development. Additionally, the availability of resources, such as time, budget, and skilled personnel, can significantly impact the creation of a successful MVP.

MVPs focus on sets of features, not just one.

One common misconception about MVPs is that they only prioritise one feature at a time. In reality, MVPs encompass sets of features that work together to form the core functionality of the product. These feature sets are carefully chosen based on their significance in delivering value to the users. For example, if we consider a mobile app for a social networking platform, a feature set may include functionalities like creating a profile, connecting with friends, posting updates, and commenting on posts. Each of these features is interdependent and contributes to the overall user experience.

Differentiating between a feature and a feature set is crucial in understanding the scope of an MVP. Adding an extra button or making a minor adjustment to the call-to-action position can be considered individual features. On the other hand, adjusting zoom features, enhancing image upload capabilities, and integrating a chat function would collectively form a feature set. These sets of features are strategically chosen to address the core needs and provide a minimum viable solution to users, ensuring that the product is functional and valuable. By focusing on feature sets rather than isolated features, MVPs provide a more comprehensive and holistic representation of the product's key functionalities.

Do you need an MVP?

Sometimes, convincing executives or team members about the importance of creating an MVP can be a challenge. To address their concerns and gain their support, it's essential to consider the following questions:

  • Why do we need an MVP?

Understanding the purpose and benefits of an MVP is crucial. It allows us to validate our product idea, gather user feedback, and mitigate risks early on in the development process. By focusing on the core features, an MVP helps us prioritise and deliver value to our target audience.

  • What are we trying to learn from the MVP?

Identifying the specific insights we aim to gain from the MVP is essential. Whether it's understanding user preferences, testing market demand, or refining our product's functionality, clarifying our learning objectives will guide the MVP development process.

  • How can our finite resources be managed to create a successful MVP?

Considering resource constraints is vital in MVP development. By optimising resource allocation and prioritising the most critical features, we can create a viable product within our limitations. This may involve leveraging existing technologies, collaborating with cross-functional teams, or exploring cost-effective solutions.

  • When will the MVP be launched?

Establishing a timeline for launching the MVP helps set expectations and ensures alignment within the team. It allows us to plan subsequent iterations and allocate resources accordingly.

By addressing these questions, we can gain clarity on the purpose and potential of an MVP. Additionally, having a clear procedure and well-defined objectives can assist in overcoming any remaining doubts or resistance from team members, paving the way for successful MVP development and implementation.


Implementing MVPs is a crucial strategy to ensure the usefulness and value of your product to users. By conducting research and leveraging MVP development, you can streamline your product's roadmap and create a direct pathway between you and your users.

In an increasingly competitive market, an MVP allows you to cut through the noise and focus on delivering the most impactful features and functionalities. It serves as a revolutionary approach to maximise your product's success and achieve your goals effectively, making the most out of your time and resources. By embracing the power of MVPs, you can create a product that truly resonates with your target audience and drives meaningful outcomes.